
101.So, I have also superannuated

Once   my daughter   asked   me “ Dad, how could you   work in the    same   institution for forty years?”. I told   her : “ I am married   to your   mother   for the last 42 years, have you not seen   us living happily? That is loyalty. We, who belong to your   senior generation believed   in mutual respect, faithfulness and above all   loyalty   to the   institution where   we worked. Our   institution has been part of our life and it is not easy to cut it away from our life, whatever be the   temptations”. Yes, I joined   Calicut Regional Engineering College   on 1 st Sept 1969 and it was   time   to    retire   or superannuate   on 30 th April 2011. For these   42 years, as a teacher and in a few other roles I have tried my best to serve this institution according to my ability. I believe, I had been true and sincere to my profession. I know   I have not been anywhere   near being perfect, but perfection is not for ordinary mortals like me, it is only for gods or   those  

100.Another stab in the back in the last minute

So, time was approaching fast to bid farewell   to   the institution    which I started serving in 1969. My superannuation   was   expected on 30 th April 2011, at the ripe age   of 65. Probably, those   who had been   going through my memories   might have   noticed that   I had   my good days and bad   days in my service.   I had certainly setbacks , but by God’s grace I could face them with equanimity and keep   my head straight   throughout my career. Before I    wind up these   episodes in the   next one, I have   to place on   record the last stab   in the   back from the   administration. I had   almost six months before   superannuation. The   incumbent    director’s term was   coming to an end soon. Even though he was trying    his best to get re-appointment, it seems he was not successful at that and so had to hand over charge to   the senior most professor in the   institution before leaving. As the   appointment of the   new director cannot be done overnight, it w

99. IEEE Malabar Subsection , IEI Kozhikode Local Centre

Continuing my   note on   professional   society activities, a   few   more    I have   to record. IEEE, Institution   of Electrical and Electronics Engineers is the largest   professional society in the   world with its headquarters in New Jersey USA. Its origin dates   back to 1887 almost the same year   when the   first power system was set up by   Thomas Alva Edison   in Manhattan New York with a   DC system. Currently   IEEE   is involved   in publishing   more than 2/3 of all   publications in the areas under Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science and Engineering. It   has   more than 4 million members and it is spread over   10 regions.   India   belongs to   Region 10   Asia   Pacific and India   Council   is the   governing   part   in our nation.   Among the different   sections, Kerala   Section is one of the   most vibrant   which has won several accolades   because of its   professional and humanitarian activities. However, the   head office   of Kerala sect

98.Golden jubilee, Free Software & Richard Stallman

Calicut Regional   Engineering College started   functioning in 1961 and   in 2011 it was   completing   50 years. Golden   jubilee   celebrations    were   on the   way. A   committee   was    formed for organizing year   long activities. I was   drafted   into   the    committee    for the   conduct   of seminars. As   I was   to superannuate   in end of April    2011, my role   was   nominal. But as a   parting   gift   to institution   which was   my life   for 40+   years, I thought   of doing my bit   sufficiently early   by organising a seminar as early as possible. In the course   of these   write ups, I have emphasized on more   than one occasion that professional education   cannot be   confined   to the class rooms and laboratories alone. Just as   sports and games are important for developing physical   capabilities, professional society activities   help the   youngsters in learning more by interaction with   peers and   friends and   of course   in developing leade