89.Limitations of an administrator and complaints from a ‘humanitarian’ colleague

A person who is heading a department , academic or otherwise, has restrictions imposed on him. He may not be able to satisfy unreasonable demands even from a close colleague, especially when the colleague is arbitrary or irrational in his approach. I am one among those who believe that an administrator, whether he likes it or not, has to follow the rules to the extent possible whether he likes it or not. Some politicians or certain administrators, follow rules convenient to them but ignore others.For them, it is a matter of convenie nce rather than obedience. Like punctua lity, it is my principle to strictly follow the rules when it is to be followed, particularly related to financial matters.
When I was Dean in NITC, I had tried my best to follow the rules. This was not to the liking of a former student of mine who became a long-time colleague. He was a member of the Board for PG Studies and in the meeting of BPGS, he used to speak continuously on these matters without allowing other matters to be taken up. One example was the rules for the renewal of scholarships for M.Tech students. All M.Tech students except those who are sponsored by other institutions were eligible for a monthly scholarship from the first semester onwards. However, for renewal of the scholarship for second semester onwards one of the conditions stipulated was that the student should get a Grade point average of at least 6.5/10, equivalent to a first class in grade system. This colleague of mine brought me two cases of students who got a GPA of 6.2 and 6.4 and wanted their scholarships to be renewed. I said as the institute is awarding GPA correct to two decimals, I am helpless, as per the rules for the renewal of the scholarship issued by the government. He was not satisfied and was pestering me again and again. I said I have no objection if the student represents his case to the Director and Director sanctions this using his discretionary powers (if he has any on this matter). But he did not do that and was telling the students I am inhuman and he wants to do good but I am in the way. In a few meetings of the BPGS after that, he was raising this issue again and again and then I got annoyed. Politely I asked him to allow me to conduct the proceedings ignoring his repeated request for discussion on this issue. I had to talk to him a bit sternly. Then he walked out of the meeting and went to the Director telling that I have sent him out of the BPGS meeting. As the Director knew the person and me very well, he did not bother.
This gentleman was considering me as his enemy and once or twice he insulted me in front of the M.Tech students of our department telling that I am cruel and have no sympathy for students. After a few days, he was admitted in a hospital in the city after a scooter accident . When myself and my wife went to see him in the hospital, he shouted at me and asked his friends to send me out as he did not want to see me. My wife was really taken aback at his rude behavior and was asking me why he is behaving like that. I told her , may be because, he is under sedation due to the pain killer given to him due to the accident.
I do not know whether anyone in an administrative post will take chances on financial matters unless he has discretionary powers. All administrators dealing with money are careful as auditors may find fault with them if things are not done asper rules. As Dean, I did not have any discretionary powers on financial matters and hence could not overlook the rules to satisfy irrational demands , even if it appears to be humane.


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