101.So, I have also superannuated

Once  my daughter  asked  me “ Dad, how could you  work in the   same  institution for forty years?”. I told  her : “ I am married  to your  mother  for the last 42 years, have you not seen  us living happily? That is loyalty. We, who belong to your  senior generation believed  in mutual respect, faithfulness and above all  loyalty  to the  institution where  we worked. Our  institution has been part of our life and it is not easy to cut it away from our life, whatever be the  temptations”.
Yes, I joined  Calicut Regional Engineering College  on 1st Sept 1969 and it was  time  to   retire  or superannuate  on 30th April 2011. For these  42 years, as a teacher and in a few other roles I have tried my best to serve this institution according to my ability. I believe, I had been true and sincere to my profession. I know  I have not been anywhere  near being perfect, but perfection is not for ordinary mortals like me, it is only for gods or  those  fully blessed  by Him. I know I have committed  mistakes, but I am happy  that I have  not  tried  to hurt  or inflict pain any one deliberately. In my work, I think  I have given  highest priority  to the interests of the  institution than my personal gain  or achievements. As a teacher, I know, I could have  done better  in many ways. Still, I don’t think my students  will not hate me . I had  been strict  and disciplined inside  my class room, but have  tried  to help the students  to the extent possible  outside within my limitations. I have  never  been   partial  or biased  in my behaviour. I have  never  given   preferential treatment  to any of my students  based on caste, religion, region or any other.

Probably, many of my  students  who have  worked  with me  on their project work/ theses for B.Tech,  M.Tech  or  PhD  must have felt that I am a task master. I have seen  they were  not  happy with me  while they are working with me, many of them have realised later  that  I was  not a sadist and did not enjoy troubling them. My intension   was only to make them learn more and do their best, not be satisfied with a  mediocre  work or output. Unless  we sincerely work to   reach  a higher  level of perfection, how can we be  happy from our effort? I was  only trying to tell them, they can do better  and still better, if they try more and more.  Many of them working  in different  parts  of the world are  my good friends  even now. I have dissuaded  many students who have approached  me to do their  M Tech   projects in doing their thesis with me as  my requirements are  slightly  higher than many others and if you cannot  work hard, better  choose another guide.

Problems  were in plenty  when  it was   REC , and even after  becoming NIT and even today, every day new problems, man-made  or otherwise crop up. I have tried  my best  to solve  some of them  within my limited  capability. The  institution has  grown to be one of national /international  level  and I am happy that I could also  grow  with it. Our children, a  girl and a boy have  grown  with  nourishment from the campus atmosphere and have grown as mature  professional   working  abroad.
As a teacher  in a professional  college, I knew  that my job is not confined to  just teach  alone. Along  with  my teaching, I have  tried my best to promote the  extra-academic qualities  of our students. I have  chosen the way  of professional societies for this purpose. Starting with Systems Society, I was   with IEEE  since 1981 only to help my  students and younger colleagues. Of course, I have also benefited with  the interaction along with that. But my work  was  that of an unselfish volunteer and I have  not made any  monetary benefit  from any of these  activities. I have  tried to set a  good example  for  my fellow   professionals and student members in such activities.

Within the institution, I have never hesitated  in taking up extra-academic work. I was  a warden when   Rajan was  taken to custody and tortured to death  in Kakkayam  police camp. Chaly was  an inmate  of my hostel. I was  coordinating  a few projects of  government  of India for helping the  public like National Adult Education Programme (NAEP) and Computer  Literacy and Studies  in Schools (CLASS). In the  NAEP , with the  help of several  senior students, several batches  of  school drop outs from nearby areas have  been given training  in electrical wiring, plumbing etc  in the college. Under CLASS  project  several schools in the  area  were   helped  to set up their own computer centres and give training to teachers  for conducting  computer classes  in their schools.  
I have  taken  up the  responsibilities of Head  of Electrical Engineering, Chief Vigilance Officer, Dean (Post Graduate  Studies & Research) International  Liaison Officer and Coordinator Academic Quality Management  Initiatives. In these  different roles, I have tried  to do many things, came out successful in a few, but failed in many. But I believed  in the principle - It is better to have tried and failed, than not to have tried at all.

Even in the  campus  life  I have  had good and bad   experience, but  there again I have  tried  my best as Secretary of the Nursery and Primary School, Staff Club and Member  Executive Committee  of Staff association. In all these activities, I have given the highest consideration for  activities of benefit  to general public rather  than my personal interests.

In my long journey spanning more than four decades, many of my colleagues and mentors  have led me to the right path holding  my hands. The list of these  people among teaching, non-teaching and administrative staff  is too long and hence I am avoiding  mentioning a few. I have worked  under  four principals  in REC and four directors in NITC. I have  given them  due respects and obedience in doing what is not against  my conscience. I have  never taken a single  paisa for illegal gratification in any  position.  I had  to suffer  discrimination from some of my bosses but I believe  that was  either   my bad luck or because of the  advisors   giving wrong  advice to these bosses who were  harsh with me. As  a friend  of mine  who had faith in my academic capabilities appointed  me as Dean, I could do something for post graduate studies and research  culture  in the institution.

I am  really   proud to state  that I have never asked  the authorities for any special favour for me or my children even when my daughter studied  in this  institution. But  God  has been  kind enough  to give  me what I deserved, even if a bit late occasionally. Among  my colleagues and mentors, I cannot  forget my heads  of departments  Prof.Charlu, Prof Srinivasan, and  Dr Thiruvengadam, Dr Bharathan for  their brotherly affection and Dr Neelakantan and Dr Venkataramani for helping me in my career. I can never  forget  our college  doctors  like  Dr P C George and Dr, Nirmala  Menon who have taken  extra pains when I or my family were  having serious health problems.. Among my mentors,   Prof Charlu, Prof Srinivasan and Dr Neelakantan are  no longer with us. A few drops of tears for their  memory.  I take  this opportunity  to thank all  my colleagues and  staff who has helped   us in our campus life. 

Having graduated  from T K M College  of Engineering under  Kerala University  in 1968, I joined  CREC as  an Associate  lecturer  in 1969, promoted as  lecturer  in 1971, Assistant professor in 1983 and  Professor in 1987. Did  my M Tech in IIT Madras  on  loss of pay leave  for one year  in 1973 and did my PhD in IIT Delhi  under Quality Improvement Programme with full salary from 1978-81.I took  sabbatical leave  for six months for an assignment in Data Storage  Institute Singapore, Singapore and  18 months   extra ordinary leave  to work in Cukurova University Adana, Turkey and European University of Lefke in North Cypris  as Visiting professor. Rest of the time other  than for higher studies in two IITs and visiting assignments  abroad, I was  with the  institution. While going to meet our children abroad, we could travel widely and see places   in USA, Europe, England, Scotland and a very short trip to Ireland.

My attempt  to transfer my  experience in teaching to the next generations  has resulted  in the publication  of the following books. Modern Control Engineering , A Guide to Academic Research, (Both Sanguine Technical Publishers Bangalore) Basics of Electrical Engineering, Introduction to Electrical Engineering( Both  EC Reference Books, Ernakulam) and  two books  for State  Institute of Languages  in Malayalam. I have published a few popular science articles in magazines and newspapers. Several books  on our life experience and travelogues have  been published as e-books in Malayalam on Amazon.in. I am planning  to publish  these  memories also  in Amazon as  two  volumes.

About my family, our daughter with her husband are  IT professionals  in Boston, USA with two kids, one a girl and another a boy. My son and his wife  are doctors  in  Scotland near Glasgow, both working in National Health Services, UK. They  have  two boys, the elder one, our first grandchild entering university education  next year. These are the balance sheet  of my life. With some  health  problems, we  are now  living in a Senior Community  Living  Unit   near  Mulanthuruthy Kochi, run by an old alumnus  of REC Calicut  called Graceland Foundation(www.gracelandfoundation.com).  My present job is  to take  care  of my ailing wife and write  these  memories of my life  as  blogs  in face book  or as e-books in Amazon. I conclude by thanking profusely all my  readers (which include  large  number  of REC/NITC  students and a few colleagues) whose  positive  comments and ‘likes’  had been  my motivation to  continue  these  scribblings so far. Let  me stop with a  quote  from a letter  written to my colleagues when I superanuated in 2011.
I have retired, but not yet tired (still)!
Jai  Hind

ADDRESS    :Prof K P MOHANADAS,V6, Graceland Foundation Senior Living, Pangarappilly,MulanthuruthyPO   Kochi 682314   email:kp.mohandas62@gmail.com 
Mob :  9544363327 (WhatsApp)


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