101.So, I have also superannuated

Once my daughter asked me “ Dad, how could you work in the same institution for forty years?”. I told her : “ I am married to your mother for the last 42 years, have you not seen us living happily? That is loyalty. We, who belong to your senior generation believed in mutual respect, faithfulness and above all loyalty to the institution where we worked. Our institution has been part of our life and it is not easy to cut it away from our life, whatever be the temptations”. Yes, I joined Calicut Regional Engineering College on 1 st Sept 1969 and it was time to retire or superannuate on 30 th April 2011. For these 42 years, as a teacher and in a few other roles I have tried my best to serve this institution according to my ability. I believe, I had been true and sincere to my professi...