57 Examination work in other Universities

Even though REC was under Calicut University, some of us were appointed as examiners in other universities also. Mahatma Gandhi University and Kerala University exam work was included in this. I used to go for practical examination at Mar Athanasius College Kothamangalam once in a while. Probably the reason for this was my good friend Prof. Baby K Isaac who belongs to the first batch of REC students. Later his son also passed out from REC. Kerala University work was mostly setting up of question papers and valuation of M.Tech answer scripts.

First let us see the adventure at Kothamangalam. Reaching Kothamangalam from Chathamangalam was a pretty difficult proposition. Normally I do not travel by bus for long distance. Myself and my wife prefer train journey on most occasions. This was out of necessity as she had motion sickness during bus journey.  Even if tablets that prevents vomiting is taken, she will need to lie down which will not be possible in a bus. Train journey is more comfortable if we can plan a bit early. It less time consuming, cheaper and less tiring especially for long distance travel. Now that there are plenty of trains from Kozhikode to Thiruvananthapuram  via Alapuzha and Kottayam , it is  more convenient. But going to Kothamangalam, there  is no direct train. I can go to Aluva by train and then catch a bus via Perumbavoor to Kothamangalam. Thanks to my friend Prof.Baby.K.Isac, a room was  made available  in the  men’s  hostel and we the examiners could take food  from the hostel mess. This was quite convenient. Return journey was mostly by bus. Fortunately there was a bus  between Thodupuzha and Thiruvampady.  This was a superfast service  popularly known as  Cyriac John  to P.J.Joseph  Super fast as  Cyriac John was the  MLA  from Thiruvampady and P J Joseph  was the  MLA from Thodupuzha. This  bus  will  stop at Calicut  for 30 minutes and usually will have a large number of REC students after  the first show  or a little enjoyment in Calicut and was invariably crowded. Anyway this  bus would take me to REC campus by 11PM.  Later when I was attending the centralised valuation camps at M.G.University campus, I had to travel to Kottayam and reach  M G U campus by bus. One plus point was that being Centralise valuation camp, the travelling expenses and exam remuneration used to be distributed on the last day of the valuation camp.

Being a graduate of Kerala University (only university when I graduated in 1968), it was natural that I had a soft corner for it. The work allotted was question paper setting for B.Tech and M.Tech and its valuation work. These could be done sitting in my house in Calicut and so did not involve any travel. I was regularly doing this for a few years. However, as the remuneration bills were rarely being passed, I sent several reminders to the Controller of Examinations. None of these were answered or even acknowledged. Then  I prepared a detailed list of bills  pending and wrote  to the Controller telling that  unless these  bills are paid, I will not be taking up any further examination work. As usual, this also did not receive any reply ad that ended my examination work in Kerala University. I thought the bill amount be the donation to the university that has given me my first degree. Afterwards,  I have   evaluated a PhD thesis of a scientist  in  VSSC who did her  research under the guidance of Dr Dasgupta, my friend. I had been to VSSC for her oral examination too.

Outside Kerala, I was doing the examination work of Bharathiyar university in Tamil Nadu and Mangalore University in Karnataka. Both these universities were doing things much better than our universities in Kerala. Prompt reply for queries and disbursal of remuneration within a reasonable time were being done and so I was happy to do the extra work or travel associated happily. Most of the clerical staff in Controllers office in Bharathiyar university were ladies sincerely doing their work and promptly doing what they were told to do. Probably, the efficiency of the system was far better because these ladies do not while away their time in chit chatting or going to the canteen and discussing politics unlike in our universities. In one university, I have seen university staff members coming at 1030 to 1045 as they please, go for tea  by 1130 and return by 1215, go for lunch at 1300  sharp and return by 1430 or so. The actual time they were available in their working seat  was often less than 50%  of what  the time they were supposed to be there.

In Mangalore university, my work was mostly for M.Tech of Karnataka  Regional Engineering College. For M.Tech  courses, the question  paper setter was the first valuer and the  second valuation will be done by the teacher who took  classes  for the students. Double valuation was invariably used for M. Tech in   most of the universities if the marks by the two examiners differ by more than 10%, a third valuer will be asked to value the paper and the average of the higher two of the three marks were chosen as the final mark. I had a few friends in KREC as well like Dr.K.N.Haribhat, Clement Mathias and Chandrachood. Mangalore university was also doing their   work systematically and remuneration was being paid in time. Unfortunately, our universities are almost alike in the lethargic way things are being done, probably because every time a new university was formed, staff members from the earlier  university were allowed to opt in. When Calicut university was formed, whoever was interested in Kerala university to move to Calicut was allowed and similarly when MG university was formed, many from Calicut and Kerala opted for it. This could be the reason for the way things are being done. Of course, add to this the political interference and union activities, then the picture is complete and beyond repair by anybody. Even the appointments of Vice Chancellors in these universities is based on caste or religion, and party affiliations, not by academic merit or distinction.  This over politicization of educational administration   has affected the quality of higher education in Kerala.


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