78.Marriage bells in the family- daughter

A few  episodes  back  I had  introduced  my   daughter and son and how  they became  reasonably  good   professionals. Naturally  in our  typical  Mallu families, once you complete   your  studies and get a reasonably good job, the next step is to get  them  married.  My daughter  being the  elder one, our first  desire  was  to get her a suitable bridegroom. Those  of you  who have  read about her studies   in  CREC for her  B.Tech and later  partly in KREC and then I.I.T. Bombay  for her M.Tech must have realized that she  is very clear about what she wants  in life.  Her  first  choice , obviously was  her career. Even though as parents we wanted her  to be  married as soon as  her studies were  being completed, she was  not willing unless she gets a job  like  many other educated girls these days. As she had  already lost almost a year  in KREC   and then  joined  her  M.Tech in  I.I.T.Bombay,   we were getting worried as in our families  girls  get married  before they are  22  or 23. When she was in the  third semester of the M.Tech  course, an advertisement  for lecturers  in N.S.S.College  of Engineering appeared    in the  newspapers and we asked  her to apply for the  post. Our idea  was  to bring her to a teaching job in Kerala  so that  getting a suitable  alliance  would  be easy.  She was  reluctant  to take  up a teaching job.  However, as  we insisted, she applied for the  job and appeared  for the interview  which was held in N.S.S. Headquarters  at Changanassery. She did well   in the interview and we heard that she has been ranked  second with the first rank going to a boy who had already completed  his M.Tech from .I.I.T Kanpur. One  of  my teachers  was  in the  interview board as expert and when he saw me after the interview  and asked me why  I am standing there I told him that  my daughter   is a candidate. He confirmed that she has done well. There was  some delay in the  issuance of the  appointment order.  On enquiry, we  found that  the  first ranked person in the  list is known  to   one of her uncles in near Vaikam.   There  was a rumour that  N.S.S. management   was collecting some  donation from the selected candidates before  issuing the appointment order. When  her uncle   enquired with the family of the  boy ranked  first, they were  ready to  give something   as donation before  joining. Personally, I was  against  any sort of donation for  jobs and was  not ready  to  give anything. If my daughter  happens  to know  that she will get a  job only after   giving some donation, we were certain that she will  not come  from Bombay and take up the job. Moreover, teaching was  not her preferred job and  by this time,  she had got placement in Tata  Consultancy Services  in the campus placement and was getting ready to join TCS. Several  enquiries  from the NSS office was  sent to   my wife’s  father  who was an office bearer of NSS  Karayogam of our place asking what is her plan  to join, indirectly asking whether we are willing to pay something before formally sending the appointment  order.  When  he asked  me several times, finally we said  she is not taking up this job and her  grandfather  gave this in writing so that the next  person in the list  could be appointed. Uncle was  very particular  in this  as  we cannot totally ignore  the N.S.S. karayogam  in our place as we have  to go to them  for conducting the marriage, burial and other important events  in our families. In case we were  not ready  to  give this in writing, it was quite  probable that they will not issue the appointment order and the  list will  be cancelled. Moreover, I was receiving a phone call  from a  lecturer in NSSCE whose  wife  was ranked  5th or  6th and was ready to pay anything for appointment  against even a leave vacancy so that she will have a claim for a future appointment. This gentleman  was quiet once we gave  in writing that we are not interested in joining.

Our  search for a bridegroom for our daughter   was still on. Being  in Malabar was another  disadvantage  as many   parents  of  boys from Malabar  were not willing to  get their boy married to a girl from  Travancore side, to be  precise  for a girl from South of Thrissur. While we  were in such a predicament,  one night, my wife’s  mother called me  in the  night after  8 PM. She   wanted  to know   our willingness to proceed on a proposal  for our daughter’s marriage  to  the  son of a distant  cousin of mine  who was staying  close to their house. This  boy was a  mechanical  engineer working  in Saudi Arabia and had come  on leave. They had settled in Thiruvananthapuram as both the parents were employed in KSEB We  said, if she  is  happy   with the boy, go ahead. Next day morning   she  talked  to our cousin and  her husband and conveyed that they were  very happy  with the proposal.  They had  two boys only, the elder one was doing  his Masters  in Chest  Medicine  in KEM Bombay and this  boy was the younger one.  Before finalizing  the  alliance, we wanted the  boy and the girl to  see  each other. As the  boy was  not planning  to  go back  to Saudi, he had taken  up a job in Bombay and that gave us an opportunity  for the  boy and girl to meet. Our  daughter  was in the final semester doing her project. I  requested a friend of mine staying in Hiranandani flats  near I.I.T. Bombay  to arrange for a meeting between the girl and the boy. He gladly accepted  and arranged  for a formal meeting in his house  with a sumptuous lunch on a Sunday.  We asked  our daughter to go  to   my friends  house with  her friend, one Sri  Lankan girl   Thanamagal (Thana for short). We requested   Thana  to make sure that  our daughter  will  like the boy. In the  same day evening when we called our daughter after 9 PM, she was   reluctant to say Yes  or No, but Thana  assured us that she has liked the boy and  asked us to go ahead.

Things moved fast  afterwards. When we  had  gone  to our native place for the Onam holidays,    my wife and I went to TVM to meet  the parents and we decided to have the engagement function  within a few weeks and the marriage after  her  completion of her M.Tech studies at I.I.T.Bombay. Being the first grandchild ,  my wife’s  father  and mother was immensely happy  to arrange  for the  marriage  of her first grand daughter at an auditorium  in Alapuzha  belonging to the Bhima group. In fact, we had  only  paid  the  money  required, all arrangements  including our local rice, fresh coconut oil for cooking  etc  were all arranged  by them  gladly.  After  the wedding,  both of them went  to Bombay, my daughter to take  up her job in TCS and our son in law  to continue his  job in Bombay. They had  hired a  flat  in Kandivali, not very far from the  TCS   Software development centre.  As  briefly  mentioned earlier, after completing her  three-year  bond period in TCS,  she was offered  an H1B   visa  job  in  USA. As the formalities were getting delayed, she  got a  job in Infosys  Bangalore and our son in law   chose  to undergo   training in SAP  programming. When the  formalities  of H1B were  cleared, both of them left for  Boston  in USA. They are  still there  in Boston with  our son in law  in Philips  Medical Systems and  our daughter in an insurance  firm as data analyst. They  have  two children , elder  one, our only granddaughter and the  younger one a  boy.


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