82.Narrow escape from losing one Eye

A few   episodes  back, I had  indicated  how  I embarked  on writing  my first  text  book in Control  Systems Engineering. After  returning   from abroad cancelling  part of my leave, I had   nothing to do  other  than routine  teaching. Since  I had   written   two  books and a few  popular science  articles in Malayalam, writing  was  not akin  to me. Since  I was  doing  most  of the writing  using PC in the  office  or at home, editing  was also  not difficult.  I was  doing  most  of my writing myself  as I do not have the patience  to correct  the proof a  typist  gives  me and then  do it over and over  again except  when official letters are  involved. As  I was  giving a course  on ‘Advanced  Control Systems’  for the  final year  B.Tech Electrical students, the  contents of the  book  were chosen as the same. This could fill in the need  of an exclusive  book for the second course  in Control  Systems  offered  for  many universities in India and abroad. As  I was teaching  the  same  set of topics, there was  no need  for extra reading  of books and I started writing  as  I teach in my class with  the help of a black board. From   early  years of my teaching, I was emulating  some  of my teachers  like  late  Prof.S.Hariharan  at TKMCE using  the black board  extensively to write  what I teach and many of my students  may have copied  down the  board work truthfully. Since Control Systems  is a semi-mathematical  subject, this  was ideally suited  for  my project. Also, the  contents and layout  of the  standard  text  books written by   famous authors  I have  referred earlier must have   affected  by writing, but  more or less  it was  my way  of presenting things. I used to refer to books  only for selecting the  problems.

My way  of writing books or articles then and even now was to type  it myself, edit and correct it all by myself. Only sketches I used to draw  in pencil  or pen on paper so that  those who are  good in drawing  could draw it properly, as  drawing was my weakness always.  As  I was   writing  the book, it became a  reasonably big book with nearly 10 chapters and approximately 600  printed pages including figures. I was spending most of  my spare time  typing this  book  in the department  except when I was taking class  or attending some official meeting in the college. I used to take  the unfinished work home on a floppy (no pen drive  then) and continue the work at  home after dinner. Since  those  days  most of the  computer  monitors were of the Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)  type, this  must have affected  my eyes.  I have  many defects  in my character, one of which is this anxiety  to  complete  a work I have started by working almost continuously day in and day out.(sort of completion mania)

On all week days, I was  driving  my Maruti   800   to NITC  along with  my daughter  in law in the morning. It seems on a  particular  day  something  strange  happened. Probably I had  been typing   a bit more on the previous night. As  I took my car  to the  main road and was  just  leaving Arayadathu palam on Mavoor road, I saw  something black in one  of my eyes. It was something like  rain water   dripping  down the front  glass a car  full of dirt. I was  feeling as  if these were flowing in front of one my eyes. There was  no other discomfort. By the  time I reached  Medical College, this was  gone and I left   my daughter  there and proceeded to  NITC. I did  not   have any further problem during the day. When I returned  home  in the evening, casually I told about this to my  daughter doing  post-graduation   Ophthalmology and immediately she was alerted. She  was asking  why I did  not tell her earlier and asked  me to go to her  teacher and Head  of the Department  immediately. We went there and the Doctor  examined  me and told me “ Sir, this  is something serious. If you  don’t do some laser  repair immediately your eyesight on this eye will be gone. This  is a threatened detachment of the  retina which will  result in permanent  loss  of sight. Fortunately for you, an expert  from Aravind Hospital  Madurai  is vising  Commonwealth  Eye hospital  every Thursday and you  can meet  him tomorrow  to do the  procedure there. I will  call him  and introduce you.” In fact, one  of my colleagues  had  recently lost the eyesight  of one of his eyes  by the  same problem, retina detachment as  he did  not take immediate care. Actually, what I saw  in my eyes  was nothing but bleeding in the vitriol between the   cortex and retina which appeared to be  black streams of dirt. Next day I approached  the  visiting  doctor and he corrected the  break in the retina by laser surgery and advised me rest for three weeks.  Even though  it was in the middle of the semester and I was engaging a class  Linear Systems  Analysis  for  4th semesters, I had  to take  one month’s  leave. After the surgery, a few  black spots still  remain dancing in front of my right  eye  which does  not disturb me seriously. But I know  these are  rare and I cannot ignore it totally.


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